Poisson Distribution

A Poisson Distribution gives the probability of an event happening based on an average occurrence of that event over a period of time or a large volume.

The formula for a poisson distribution is \[ P(X;\lambda) = \frac { e^{-\lambda} \lambda^{X}}{X!} \]

  • lambda is the mean occurrence of that event.
  • e is a constant = 2.7183.

There are 200 typos in a book that’s 500 pages, what is the probability of finding 3 errors on 1 page?

\[ \lambda = 200/500 = 0.4\]

dpois(3, 0.4)
## [1] 0.00715008

Say there are 10 typos in a book that’s 200 pages, what is the probability of finding 2 errors on 1 page.

Lambda is the average or 10/200 = .05

## [1] 0.001189037